Women Artists Not just her father’s daughter – Nora Heysen Today we meet Nora Heysen, famous in her own right for her achievements in art, despite being the daughter of famous artist Hans Heysen.
Australian Artist One of life's gentlemen- Hans Heysen Today we learn about one of Australia's most well recognised and well loved landscape artists, Hans Heysen. Image: Facebook
Impressionism The vibrant paintings of Colin Willey Today we meet contemporary English Impressionist painter, Colin Willey, who, like the early Impressionists, loves to paint outdoors in all sorts of weather conditions. Image: the Dorset Echo.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenge No 11: Margaret Olley and Ben Quilty In 2021 the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre, NSW produced a series of "Gallery At Home Still Life Challenges" inspired by the paintings of the magnificent Margaret Olley. Today a challenge brought to us by Ben Quilty.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenge No 10: Chinese screen and yellow room In the penultimate Still Life Challenge based on the home of Australian artist Margaret Olley we visit her favourite room - "the yellow room" and the Chinese screen she so loved to paint.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenge No 9: Katie's Apples In our third last Still Life Challenge based on the paintings of margaret Olley today we learn more about the influence Paul Cezanne had on the Australian artist.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenges with Margaret Olley No 8: White Still Life The Still Life Challenge presented to you today by the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre is about exploring light. Watch the video and see artist René Bolten at work.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenges with Margaret Olley No 7: White Jug Watch a video and then follow the activity sheet to create your own Still Life painting based on the painting Katie's Quinces by Margaret Olley.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenges with Margaret Olley No 6: Poppies If you love poppies you will love the sixth challenge in learning about Still Life with Margaret Olley.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House Still Life Challenges with Margaret Olley No 5: Pattern We continue to enjoy unlocking Margaret Olley's house with the Still Life challenges produced by the Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre. Learning about "pattern" today.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House: Still Life Challenge No 4: Spaces Between In our fourth challenge in the Margaret Olley Still Life series we look at the painting "Evening still life with Turkish pot" created in 1982 in oil paints on board (75cm x 120cm). Learn about the importance of appreciating spaces between objects.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House: Still Life Challenge No 3: Wallpaper The third challenge in the Margaret Olley Still Life series will encourage you to look more closely at wallpaper and how it can be used to background other objects to form into an inspirational composition. You too can paint just like Margaret Olley.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House: Still Life Challenge No 2: Blue Banded Jug The second in the series of being inspired and challenged by objects inside the amazing house of Australian artist Margaret Olley.
Still Life Unlocking Margaret's House: Still Life Challenge No 1: Hyacinths Over the coming weeks we are going to share "still life" challenges with you based on objects found in the home of Australian artist Margaret Olley. Today is for lovers of hyacinths!
Still Life Margaret Olley channeling Cezanne in Still Life Recently the wonderful still life paintings by Paul Cezanne were showcased. Here in Australia, Margaret Olley, was also an expert in the still life genre and modelled her style on the European modern masters.
Still Life Still Life Paintings: the Contemporary View Today we take time to look at the works of English artist Jan Munro who like Cezanne enjoys distorting perspective and shape in a Still Life.
Still Life Who Pushed the Boundaries of Still Life painting? Today I will reveal who is considered to be the greatest painter of "still life". I am sure those of us who love this genre all have our favourite artist - but this one is certainly one of, if not, the master of painting an arrangement of human and natural objects in an artistic array.
Still Life The Modern View of Still Life Painting Who doesn't love the Impressionists? and so today is our short journey through the evolution of "Still Life" painting we are treated to how some of the Impressionists created their view of this genre of art.
Still Life The evolution of "Still Life" Exploring the evolution of "Still Life" will no doubt surprise you when you learn just how long this style of painting has been around. It started many thousands of years before it was made popular mainly by Dutch artists in the C16th and C17th.
Flowers The puzzle surrounding three tulips Jacob Marrel (1614 – 1681) was a German still life painter active in Utrecht during the Dutch Golden Age who specialized in ‘portraits’ of tulips in bloom. Image credit: metmuseum.org
Celebration Celebrate Passover with Irma Stern I thought Passover could be celebrated on the AnArt4Life blog this year by showcasing a few paintings done by the remarkable African artist Irma Stern, born in 1894 in the Transvaal to German-Jewish parents. Image credit: artnet.com
Women Artists Carmel-by-the-Sea is born and meet an artist: Anne Millay Bremer Showcasing some paintings by Anne Millay Bremer who was one of the early artists to work in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. Image: Carmel by Anne Bremer (artcollection.mills.edu)
Tribute Past Post: No 13 August 2018: Margaret Olley: Remarkable Artist, Beloved Australian Treasure Today's Past Posts of 2018 take us into the world of Australia's most beloved artist Margaret Olley who graced the stage of the art world with her wit, charm and talent. (Image: tmlarts.com)
Dynasty Another Forgotten Wyeth: Carolyn - "pounds through her days like a war horse" Carolyn Wyeth, daughter of N.C.Wyeth, has a remarkable view of the world which is exemplified in her paintings of the landscape around her home in Pennsylvania: pared down to salient colours and shapes. Image: Carolyn in her studio (brandywine.org)
Dynasty A Forgotten Wyeth: Henriette Henriette Wyeth Hurd was a sister of Andrew Wyeth & considered by many to be one of the greaterst women painters of the C20th. Her portraits & still life studies are magical. Image: Self Portrait (pinterest.co.uk)