Photography South Island New Zealand with photographer Pam Morris Today professional photographer Pam Morris shares her images of New Zealand through a video.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Thirteen: Dick Roughsey "Goobalathaldin", Jason Barwick & John Santry The peoples of Country are as diverse as the landscape yet each group has strong attachment and history to County and therefore there is no better way to start today's post with two of the works of Dick Roughsey "Goobalathaldin" whose people have lived on this Country for over 60,000 years.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Twelve: Roland Wakelin and Paul Haggith Some time back Andrew and I introduced you to the Australian artist Roland Shakespeare Wakelin (1887-1971) in an earlier post. Wakelin was a central figure in the group of early experimental artists who were crucial to the development of modernism in Australian art during the early 20th century.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Eleven: Colin Parker, Stuart McKenzie Cullen, Christine Graieg & Ric Elliot There is something appealing about old buildings and artists have delighted for centuries painting these iconic and alluring structures. The "Simple Wonders" exhibition contains several paintings from the collection of Andrew Johns which focus on this subject matter with an Australian scene.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Ten: Max Watters The two Max Watters (1936-2020) paintings owned by Andrew make a lovely segue into our examination of early Australian buildings through the careful placement of a house literally snuggled into the landscape.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Nine: Patrick Carroll and Jamie Boyd Both Patrick Carroll (1949-2019) and Jamie Boyd (1948-) are masters at capturing the colour and "simple wonder* of the Australian landscape and bush. Join us today as we continue to reivew the paintings in the "Simple Wonders" exhibition on display at the "Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre".
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Eight: Daniel Pata, Desmond Tjupurrula, Mary Morton Kemarre Today we look at three very different visual interpretations of the Australian landscape - all of which are featured in the "Simple Wonders" exhibition: Daniel Pata, Desmond Tjupurrula & Mary Morton Kemarre.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Seven: Gwen Clarke and Gwen Mason Today - we explore a little about two relatively unknown yet extraordinary artists who Andrew has included in the Simple Wonders exhibition - Gwen Clarke and Gwen Mason.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Six: Imp Tsiu yun Hung Earlier AnArt4Life blog showcased the fascinating art works of Imp Hung from Taiwan who believes that "ceramics is my key to the secret garden, my way to record living and feeling, a wonderland where I can release my imagination". One of her tiles is in the Simple Wonders exhibition.
Landscapes Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Five: Johanna Hildebrandt The Australian natural world exudes a simple yet exquisite beauty that captivates the soul with its diverse landscapes, unique flora, and distinctive fauna. Today, as part of the Simple Wonders exhibition we showcase the remarkable works of Johanna Hildebrandt.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Four: John Pickup & Pro Hart The Simple Wonders exhibition includes paintings by three of the Brushmen of the Bush- Hugh Schulz as seen in yesterday's post and today we look at three paintings by John Pickup OAM and one by Pro Hart.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Three: Hugh Schulz Today is a very special post as we are going to look at the paintings of Hugh Schulz (one of our very favourite artists) chosen to be displayed in the "Simple Wonders" exhibition from the Collection of our blog team member Andrew Johns.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part Two: Anne Marie Graham At Cairns Botanic Gardens by Anne Marie Graham has been chosen as the image to announce the Simple Wonders exhibition to be held at the the Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre from 23 August to 3 November 2024. Read on to learn more about this wonderful exhibition.
Exhibition Simple Wonders: Exhibition of the Paintings from the Collection of Andrew Johns Part One: Introduction There is wonderful news on the party line up and down the glorious Hunter Valley Region of New South Wales as Andrew's painting collection has been chosen to form the main part the Simple Wonders exhibition to be held at the Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre from 23 August to 3 November 2024.
Australian Artist “Chasm Light at Noon” by John 'Rowdy" Wylie We thought it was time to check in on Rowdy Wylie to see what has been happening in His Shed of late. He has been very busy and has just completed a new painting which once more showcases his skill in reproducing the brilliance of the Australian Outback - in colour, form and texture.
Ships and boats By Royal Appointment: The Van de Veldes come to England Last year when I was in England I saw a wonderful exhibition on the maritime paintings created by the Van de Veldes. Please see below for a brief summary of their remarkable journey from Amsterdam to establish a very privileged life in England thanks to King Charles 11.
Exhibition Bendigo Art Gallery, Central Victoria, Australia: Paris Exhibition Today we showcase a little from the current exhibition on Paris: Impressions of Life 1860 - 1925 being held at the Bendigo Art Gallery.
Galleries Bendigo Art Gallery, Central Victoria, Australia: Introduction Tomorrow we are going to look "Paris - Impressions of Life 1880-1925" being held at the Bendigo Art Gallery in Central Victoria, Australia. Today, a little about the history of the gallery and other exhibits.
Gardens My Brother's Garden Part Four This is the last post in the series of "My Brother's Garden". I hope you have enjoyed viewing it as much as I enjoyed walking around it.
Mechanical Art Joey Revisited Joey Puppet, often simply called “Joey”, is a celebrated character that has carved out a distinctive niche in popular culture, blending elements of humor, nostalgia, and craftsmanship.
Machines Bike Beauty: Part Two Yesterday I introduced you to the idea that there is great beauty in machines... today we are going to examine Sam's motor bike. But first let me introuduce you to the rider... attractive in his own right!!
Machines Bike Beauty: Part One I am sure amongst our followers some of you, like me, appreciate the skill, creativity and yes, beauty which can be found in human made machines... and the machines I want to show you over the next two days are the bicycle and the motor bike.
New Zealand Colin Morris takes us to New Zealand: Part Two Showcasing some more photographs taken by Colin Morris on his recent trip to New Zealand. I am sure you will agree that his images are spectacular.
Photography Colin Morris takes us to New Zealand: Part One Colin Morris is a brilliant photographer & you have seen many posts featuring his works. Recently he visited New Zealand - the land across the ditch! We love our near relatives but believe me we love their stunning country even more. Showcasing of some scenes shot through Colin's lens.
Landscapes William Turner of Oxford: the other William Turner William Turner of Oxford was overshadowed by JMW Turner. His paintings are display at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Some of his paintings are also to be found in the Tate Gallery (London, UK), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City, US) and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery (New Zealand).