Unlocking Margaret's House: Still Life Challenge No 2: Blue Banded Jug
Australian artist Margaret Olley(1923-2011) painted Hawkesbury Wildfloweres with Lemons in 1971. It is an oil on composition board (101.5cm x 83.5 cm)and sold in 2012 for $99,000.1
This painting and specifically the blue banded jug are the stimulus for the second episode in the series Gallery At Home Still Life Challenges produced by the Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre in 2021 during Covid Lockdown in Australia.
If you missed the first challenge which was focused on hyacinths please click here.
Unfortunately, this second challenge does not come with a video for you to watch but does come with (as do all the challenges) an activity sheet which you can check out here.
And in the absence of a video to accompany the worksheet for you to learn more about the blue banded jug, I have chosen a video that showcases the amazing and unbridled home (particularly thr green kitchen) of the inimitable Margaret Olley.
1. deutscherandhackett.com