About the AnArt4Life Blog Team

Anne Newman
I started the Art Blog several years ago when challenged by my web site manager (Matt Cameron - the Interwebs Wizard) to become more engaged in social media. I have always had a strong interest in art and in painting although my working life was dedicated to teaching and teacher education. My greatest achievement from my profession is that I am the author of the Newman Error Analysis for Mathematics - a procedure for diagnosing children’s errors in mathematics which has gone on to be very popular as a diagnostic tool throughout the world: I am thrilled to have made a difference to the education of children. I am retired now and the blog and painting have become a large part of my life.
I didn’t go willingly into the challenge to write an Art blog. I thought that it would last only a few weeks and I would fail dismally. I was wrong. I found sharing with others my love of learning about the world of art was a sheer joy, made even more wonderful through the interesting people I have met along the way. To be joined by my friend Jane (June 2018), followed by her sister Caroline (May 2019) and her friend Julie (Dec 2019) as writers added new perspectives and interests to the content.
Painting and writing are very solitary pursuits and what these three wonderful women have done is to transform the writing of the art blog into a group effort where we daily share ideas about what to write, make calls for help with a particularly "challenging post" being worked on and generally "chat about all things art" whenever we can. We have regular meet ups to work out how we can improve what we are doing and are constantly on the look out for new ideas to share and artists to showcase. And Matt - the Interwebs Wizard is constantly on the look out for new ways to present the information.
Each of us has our own interests to bring to you and our own style of presentation which adds to the strength of the AnArt4Life blog. I also love to paint and you can read about my ventures into this field and see my paintings by following this link to Anne Newman - Paintings .
My interest in art is very eclectic. I have always been interested in reading about and collecting Naive Art and Australian Outback Art including Contemporary Indigenous Art. And I love paintings of buildings and the people who inhabit them which leads me to American artist Edward Hopper and my very favourite aritst Laurence Stephen Lowry who painted scenes of Salford which is now part of Manchester in the UK.
To show the extremes of my taste in art I also love the works of abstract artist Frank Bowling which contrasts in the extreme with my love of the paintings of John Pickup, one of the Brushmen of the Bush.

My Dutch parents migrated to Australia in the 1950s, worked hard themselves and instilled a strong work ethic in me and my younger siblings Hans and Caroline.
Growing up there was little time or money for holidays, however the house always seemed to be filled with visitors from all walks of life and we were encouraged to take part in their interesting conversations. My father was a chef in Holland and for guests, would pull out all stops on delicious Dutch meals. My Mother had trained as a concert pianist so classical music often resonated through the house.
As teenagers we were taken to wonderful concerts, the opera and ballet. My career centred on administration- running a commercial office before progressing to the implementation of computer applications to improve processes, writing procedures and training personnel.
My passion is traveling to destinations near and far, to explore and discover different cultures, architecture, art and natural wonders. Through travel I developed a love of art, visiting wonderful galleries and learning the relevance of history through the lives and works of artists.
During a tour of Spain, Portugal and Morocco in 2014 I met Anne one morning as we tried to work out the complexities of the coffee machine. Little did I know we would become good friends. Anne ignited in me a broader interest in art and through her enthusiasm and support became involved in writing for her art blog.
Now semi retired, instead of writing dry instruction manuals, it’s a joy to indulge in sharing with our readers, many experiences that relate to art and to realise that ART underlies so much of our lives and everything around us. I love the constant quest of learning - not only satisfying but great fun too!
My favourite artists are Vincent Van Gogh, Johannes Vermeer, Salvador Dali and the Australia naive artist Hugh Schulz who hides the rabbits and emus in his delightfully engaging works.

I loved school, not for the often-quoted reasons of learning and endeavour, but a place to make friends, socialise, play a bit of sport and have a laugh. At 16 I commenced working full time in our family fire protection business. I went on to study fire technology and completed various industrial fire training courses with the NSW Fire Brigade, Texas A&M University USA and I commenced training industrial fire teams and joined a volunteer fire brigade.
Always drawn to the subjects around communication, human and animal behaviour and psychology I volunteered at various animal welfare organisations and later joined a community radio station where I produced and co-presented two different types of radio programs, a women’s music program and an in-depth interview program.
In 2018 I began working with my partner in her Psychology practice as the Practice Manager. Aound this time, my sister Jane introduced me to Anne’s AnArt4Life blog and when I was invited to write a few posts I decided with much trepidation to ‘ave a go’.
Since writing the posts I have learnt so much. What I love now is that I ‘see’ so much more when I am out and about. I see colours, shapes, textures everywhere. I look at nature more closely, I stop the car randomly to photograph an interesting letterbox, or casually chat to an artist or gallery owner.
I have been given the nickname The Keeper of Rabbit Holes as I go down so many in my quest for information. I like to write my posts presuming that many readers are like me and may have minimal knowledge and I try to make it a welcome space to learn.
I have been introduced to all my favourite artists and artistic styles like Naïve Art through the AnArt4Life blog. I love the fact I did not know of these artists prior to 2019 and now I call them my faves! To name a few I would pick some Aussie artists - Clarice Beckett, Dorothy Braund, Pixie O’Harris, John Pickup and David Oakley.
Footnote from the Editor in Charge:
The Keeper also included me as one of her favourite artists. I have removed my name as it is taken for granted that the GAAL❁ team all love my work!!!!

Hello, my name is Julie, and I love to learn new things, so I love reading the AnArt4Life blog every day. I am honoured to also contribute to it, and love collaborating with my friends Anne, Caroline and Jane! We all bring a different focus to it, and I hope our readers like the variety in our offering as a result!
My mother loved writing and would spend ages getting the wording just right in her letters and cards! She was forever correcting our grammar and spelling, so hopefully her influence is useful in writing my posts now! I am quite a detailed person, and a perfectionist like my mother, and so perhaps that is why I have picked up the job of being Proof Reading Editor here at the AnArt4Life blog!
I spent my working life in the fields of superannuaton and financial planning, in areas such as technical advice, training, marketing and compliance. I am retired now , but I loved science and maths at school, and chemistry in particular, so I do like subjects which have a technical aspect! I also love vintage planes and steam trains, Clydesdale horses and old photos. I am not particularly creative, so I do admire people who can draw, paint or sculpt!
I have a special interest in glass ware, wood, and fine bone china and in the field of painting - it is watercolours and pastels in particular that I love. As to my favourite artists, well, the French Impressionists – any of them! And also the Heidelberg School – all of them! In more contemporary artists I would include Ed Obermeyer, Denise Faulkner, David Oakley and Anne Melloy.

Matt Cameron
Hello, my name is Matt and I am very passionate about helping people learn about digital marketing and providing support to help them make a difference online. This is why I find myself helping the team and community at www.AnArt4Life.com with sharing inspiring stories about art.
If you are interested in learning more about how I help and support people make a difference visit influencer.tips - I would love to hear from you.
To be honest I don't read everything on the blog, but I do read what connects with me and because of the awesome efforts of the editorial team there is a lot to choose from.
Enough about me.
There are some great ways that you can engage with the website.
First, have a read - I have heard that for anyone with an interest in art, www.AnArt4Life.com it is an experience best compared to being a kid in a lolly shop.
Next, subscribe - there is a daily email, free, and best of all there is no junk email trying to sell you stuff. The varity of posts are aimed to appeal to a wide range of interests which are a real joy to read with a strong emphasis on showcasing images. I know a number of the members of the newsletter list regularly reply to the editorial team with comments and suggestions.
Another way to engage is to keep a look out for how to provide feedback on the website and share a comment. When you do it helps the team know what you're interested in.
And finally, share the posts with anyone that you know would be interested on social media or in an email.
We also have subscriber contributors who regularly work with one of the team to produce posts.

John "Rowdy" Wylie
Greetings All….
After a very busy career in various management roles including print media, retail, NGO community services, (specifically mental health & youth support programs) trade and numerous trainer positions, I realized I was approaching retirement so I needed an activity to keep me busy, focused and creative….
My challenge was to learn about art….painting Australian outback landscapes in the medium of oil… I always had a fascination about Broken Hill and loved the colours of the sunburnt red & orange outback, deserts & hills… so that’s where I started.
My inspiration was motivated by the “Brushmen of the Bush” and the numerous art galleries in the Broken Hill region. My favorite artists are all Australian landscape painters from Roberts, Streeton, “Brushmen of the Bush”… through to present day landscape painters.
Since being a subscriber of AnArt4Life Blog I have learnt so much, especially about “naïve art” and with Anne’s support being able to network with artists.
It is a privilege to read the various daily topics from the GAALS Team & have the opportunity to contribute & share works of art in the “Blog forum” with other subscribers.
To all visitor’s & subscribers I hope you enjoy the AnArt4Life Blog as much as I do and I would like to congratulate Anne, Matt & the GAALS for such a successful, professional & high quality “Art Forum”.
Happy Painting!!!
Below John "Rowdy" Wylie by the Darling River near Menindee New South Wales

I am a lover of the Impressionist and Post Impressionist era particularly artists such as Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin and of course Van Gogh; also a few Australian artists, particularly in the Naive style and I do like fun and quirky ceramic works.
Occasionally I will stand in front of a painting, often one by Hugh Schulz, with a glass of wine and admire his wonderful work and enjoy the warm and comfortable sensation that Hugh manages to convey.
My journey since being born in Plymouth England and early schooling in Melbourne, Victoria. I now live in the Hunter Valley and run an Aged Care Facility for alpacas.
When not looking after elderly alpacas I am engaged as a Community Support Worker at Hireup. In my past life I have also been a Senior Sales Rep. at Qantas, a Ticket Office Manager at Continental Airlines and worked for a time at Trans World Airlines, London
Below a scene from the Aged Care Facility for Alpacas

John Pickup OAM
Dad used to make raincoats in an old fibro shed behind our home in Manly, a suburb of Sydney. He used chalk to mark out the material for cutting and his old pieces of chalk didn't go to waste. When I was about three Dad used to give me broken pieces to draw on the concrete path to our back door. I like to think that perhaps this was the start of my art career!
My primary schooling took place during World War II and the young art teachers had enlisted, so art lessons were given by elderly formally retired teachers, most with no knowledge of art. Our only tools? HB and 5B pencils, a drawing book, Indian ink and a steel nib pen. Ball points were yet to be invented.
The war was still raging during my secondary school years and the art situation hadn't changed as far as teachers and art supplies were concerned. But although I was never an academic, I gained my only prize - for best in class for art at the annual prize giving event.
After the war, watercolours and artists oils became available again. However I was not a serious painter, turning out very average works during the following 1950s. My first loves were photography and theatre. My broadcasting career began in 1948 (described in a previous AnArt4Life post John Pickup OAM and after some 10 years in sound effects I was appointed ABC regional manager Broken Hill, New South Wales in 1962.
Turning to painting again as a hobby I joined the local Willyama Art Society, but was still just another weekend painter.
In 1971 the Art Society held an outdoor exhibition in the rose garden in Sturt Park, Broken Hill and as we were hanging our paintings fellow artist Eric Minchin was working close by. I asked him about the solo exhibition he recently held in Sydney. “Good sales, and I had a request from another charity for a show, but haven't got enough works left. I've been wondering if you, Hugh (Schulz) and Jack (Absalom) might like to join me to hold a group exhibition of Broken Hill artists?”
"Could we hold another exhibition?" We decided we could and the exhibition was held in March 1973, again proving very successful. A journalist and a photographer from the Women's Weekly covered the exhibition and we returned home believing that this was a one off event.
However three months later the Women's Weekly came out with a two page spread on the exhibition and we started receiving letters from charities seeking similar exhibitions. We met again and decided that perhaps we could do some more for charity. What should we call ourselves? I suggested that the Weekly provided the answer and kindly agreed to us using their heading: - "Brushmen of the Bush".
The following guidelines to the charities were proposed:- the charity would provide the venue, staff, bookkeeping, catalogue and publicity, printing guest list and suitable official guest to open. The Brushmen would give the total commission on all paintings sold, we would auction a painting from each artist on the opening night and one artist would in turn give a painting to be raffled during the exhibition.
Over 50 exhibitions were held from 1973 to 1989 - opened by such dignitaries as Prince Charles, the Duchess of Kent, Bob Hawke (later to be Prime Minister of Australia), the Governor General and state Govenors and by the final exhibition in 1989 when illness made it impossible for some members to continue, we had raised over $1,100,000 for charities. Using the Reserve Bank inflation converter the $1,100,000 in 1989 dollars converts to over $2,169,000 in 2020 values, the latest year available. As we waited with our wives to be introduced to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent in London in 1976, I remember thinking - "Not bad for five blokes from an outback mining town in New South Wales".
Below is one of my paintings titled Nat Buchanan's Spirit. - Nat was one of the early pioneers of Australia and considered to be the best of all the drovers. Anne and I are also working on a post showcasing my works on Nat Buchanan whose narrative lives on in many ways.