August 2021 Mailbag No 1
It's Mailbag Time again and we start in the home where many of you have been readmiring your china ware following on from the wonderful posts Julie has given us on Moorcroft, Carlton Ware, Royal Albert, Royal Doulton, Minton, Spode and Wedgwood. Thank you Julie for this amazing series which has delighted so many including J.A. in Castlemaine, Victoria who sent in photos of her Wedgwood trains.

Next in our mailbag is an item from M.B. in Tanzania who would like to introduce us to the Zimbabwean sculptor Bernard Takawira (1948-1997). Very soon I will be presenting a post on Takawira's life and works but to whet your appetite here is a small selection of his beautiful sculptures.

From Rowdy Wylie in Port Elliot, South Australia:
Congratulations Anne & the team for the tribute post about Mikha Singh – The Flying Sikh named as the finest athlete India has ever produced... for Mikha’s amazing sporting achievements in track & field.... it is sad news of his passing due to Covid complications.... the watercolour painting of Mikha by Soumya Kundu is incredible.....
And then on Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2021 – “Heal Country” Rowdy has written:
An amazing post Anne & GAALS.... especially the painting by Nyapanyapa Yunupinu – Titled: Garak (Night Sky) which was the winner of the 2021 Wynne Prize....
NAIDOC Week highlights the history of the worlds most amazing indigenous culture of the Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander’s ... encompassing their individual & communities achievements.... the week also provides a forum for all Australians to learn more about our “First Nation’s People’s” culture & the need for change & recognition of rights, protection & equality around “Treaty” & being a voice in government.....
To conclude, Rowdy has sent in a photo of his favourite Jack Absalom painting - The Dingo's Waterhole. Jack Absalom was one of the Broken Hill group of painters known as the Brushmen of the Bush.

Editor's Note:
John Pickup, the last surviving member of the Brushmen of the Bush and I are working on a post detailing more about the Brushmen's international exhibitions.
Our post on Naidoc Week also brought these wonderful words from Andrew in the Hunter Valley:
Over several decades now some of the most exciting, beautiful and contemporary art has come from the first peoples of this land. It is with hesitation that I use the the word contemporary as this form of art has been around for thousands of years and only in recent times have we been able to see it due to the use of modern equipment i.e. canvas, brushes and modern day paints. As Australians we should all treasure these wonderful works. Andrew
Next we have a request from a Facebook follower. Can anyone help identify the artist who created this Tahitian painting? Please email me at [email protected] if you have any information that might help. The date of the painting is most likely 1966.

Rowdy Wylie has also alerted us to the SALA (South Australian Living Artists Festival) which is on until 31 August. Click Here for more information. Rowdy has given a special recommendation for locals to the area to check out the wonderful works of Port Elliot artist Paul Whitehead.

And we will conlcude today with a video provided by Facebook follower Koushiki Maity (Diya) from Kolkata, India demonstrating how she creates intricate details and patterns. For FB users follow this link to the Home Page of Koushiki Maity.