TagCloud Day: Murals
It's a TagCloud Day and for those of you who are new subscribers to the AnArt4Life blog we have a special feature on the blog site which categorises all the posts we have done over the past five years into topics (tags).
Below is the bookmark link explaining how the TagCloud works which you might like to read if this is a new concept to you.
For today's TagCloud Day I thought as we have been seeing some of Victor Maloney's murals we would look at some more mural and street art. Please follow the bookmark link below to see some more posts on this topic. I think you will especially enjoy the street art.
Tomorrow Julie will be back to show you all about the Japanese art of gift wrapping!!
Late Mail
And it is with great pleasure that we welcome M.B. in Australia to the AnArt4Life blog. One of the best features of our blog is that you can pick and choose the posts you want to read from the great variety of topics we produce on art in everyday life.
Today is one of those days when you get to see all the posts we have written on Murals and Street Art and you can choose to read the one or ones that catch you eye.