A cloud a day…. and so much more!
We recently wrote about different types of clouds, and in particular, Hector the Convector, a thunderstorm that develops at about 3pm each day during the rainy season, over the Tiwi Islands (off the north coast of Australia). (Click here if you missed it.)
This led me to an artist named Chris Judge, from Dublin in Ireland, who publishes “a daily cloud” – a cartoon drawn over photographs of clouds that either people send in to him, or he captures himself.
You might like to scroll through the link below and enjoy his quirky, creative images! He purposefully keeps the drawing to a minimum to ensure that cloud formation is not lost, yet they convey so much! They will certainly bring a smile to your face!
Aren’t they fabulous! Can you choose a favourite?? Chris has inspired other people to have a go at cloud cartoons too! You might like to have a try yourself! Do send them in to us for the Mailbag if you do!
But Chris Judge is much more than a cartoonist. He has illustrated over 35 children’s books (and won awards for his work), and produces wall murals using different media - such as painting or in detailed mosaics. He is certainly a versatile artist, isn't he!
You might like to look at the wide-ranging scope of his projects on his website:
With thanks to ChrisJudge.com.
P.S. Here is another link to an interview with Chris about his cloud cartoons – click here.
And tomorrow we join Anne as we have finally located her cruising around the islands off the coast of Scotland.