Science Do Artists have Different Brains? Chatting a little about the brain inside the artist. And only one picture for you to look at! And no it's not of the inside of a brain! It's the outside of a brain!!
Dogs Welcome to Indy Today we welcome Anne Newman's new dog, Indy, with a couple of fun suggestions which link our dogs to art!
Tribute Reflection: Bravery Today we should stop for a moment to reflect on the courage that some people exhibit, usually against all the odds. And we give special thoughts to those artists who conquered the difficulties life threw at them to realise their creative dreams.
Art Therapy Art as Therapy: Bushfires Giving some attention to Victorian artist "Barbara Pritchard" who went through the recent bushfires and is going to run art classes for children involed in the recent Australian bushfires.
Performing Arts Dancing to Art Four dancers (Paul Davidson, Sherifat King, Bethan Kendrick, Housni Hassan) give their interpreation of paintings by Maggi Hambling, Gillian Ayres, Victor Pesmore, Henry Fuseli. Produced by the Tate Britain.
Art Therapy Can Art Be Seen As Therapy? It may seem an unusual question and a novel idea, but in fact Art Therapy dates back to the 1940’s and is a form of psychotherapy using painting, music, literature and other mediums to express oneself and work through challenging problems.