Digital Art Fractal Infinity ArtStudio on Existence A glorious digital work from the "Fractal Infinity ArtStudio" and words from Kahlil Gibran prompt us to think about the nature of "existence". Image credit: Fractal Infinity ArtStudio
Digital Art Fractal Infinity ArtStudio from Slovenia Fractal Art might not be familiar to you so please take a look at the stunningly beautiful works being produced in Slovenia by Andreja Malovrh of Fractal Infinity ArtStudio. Image credit: Fractal Infinity ArtStudio
Nature Remote Australia Spectacular The videos you will see today from a BBC series will show you Mother Nature, the artist, at her most ferocious and magnificent. Image
Fractal Art The Mandelbrot Set and Fractal Art Today we look at the Mandelbrot Set, named after a pioneer of fractal geometry, Benoit Mandelbrot. Fractal mathematics has now lead to many forms of fractal art. Image:
Fractal Art Fractals appearing in nature Showcasing patterns of nature where the small components are the same as the whole image. Introducing the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot who saw the chaos and irregularity of the world as something to be celebrated. Image: Unsplash