Fractal Infinity ArtStudio from Slovenia

Dance of the waves
Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
One of the AnArt4Life Facebook Followers is an artist from Slovenia who creates with her mind and soul but through the medium of computer software.
We hope you enjoy looking at these most stunning and inspirational works with infinite possibilities.

Eventually everything connects
Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
I will let Andreja Malovrh from Fractal Infinity ArtStudio tell you more about her art.
I am a creator of fractal art and an artist who with the help of computer medium design creations of infinite possibilities, which then - having been printed out - enter our perceptional space.2

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"To understand is to perceive patterns" ~~ Isaiah Berlin

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"There is a saying that every nice piece of work needs the right person in the right place at the right time" ~~ Benoit Mandelbrot
Together with my need to express myself with art, my knowledge of computer software and techniques enables my inner connection with the Absolute to reflect in infinite patterns of fractals. 2

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"Beauty is not caused. It is" ~~ E.D.

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"There are very complex shapes which would be the same from close by and far away" ~~ Benoit Mandelbrot
My printed pictures tell about infallibility of eternal Order, emphasize it and remind us that we live in it every day, that it is present in and around us so closely that we don't even notice it. I visualise this Order for myself and for everybody.2

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"My wish for all of us is: to love and respect each other every day."

Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
"One pure moment holds the power to create infinite love" ~~ Andy W.C.
Through my works, I journey and I discover, I wonder and I learn. I put down [the Order] physically as a picture of my deepest perception, wishing that everybody else also perceive and rediscover it. My works talk about all-embracing presence of Godlike on a level where it due to logic can no longer be denied. With the carefully selected colour palette, I hint at the sound of Purity and try to suggest perceptions beyond all existing things. 2

Endless love
Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
Andreja Hojnik Fišić has described Andreja Malovrh's art thus:
A world that exists around us, unseen. A world that exists within us, and we but feel it. This is how I see the images that Andreja creates ... Thoughtful and emotional. Paths of the Universe that converge in our hearts, in ourselves ... Micro and macro ... all in one breath ... The lights draw us closer and we find through their own existence. Pictures imposed on us by thinking, need to imagine, and extension of the term of our dreams. Dreams that seemed unreachable, and now they are alive. Beautiful associative memories of childhood and growing up. Imaginary decorations, thoughts and stories we wanted to happen. The garden we would like to walk through ... I think this describes Andreja's art.2

All true ART must help the SOUL to realize its inner self" ~~ M.Gandhi
Fractal Infinity ArtStudio ©
Fractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still digital images, animations, and media...It is a genre of computer art and digital art which are part of new media art. The mathematical beauty of fractals lies at the intersection of generative art and computer art. They combine to produce a type of abstract art. 3
A very special thank you to Andreja Malovrh of Fractal Infinity ArtStudio who gave her permission for the images of her work to be shown on the post and who so willingly has shared her thoughts with us.
Here in the AnArt4Life blog we have written a few posts on Fractal Art and so if this is your interest you might like to check out the bookmark links below.

1. fractualinfinityartstudiodesign