Reflecting on Shepherds: Dogs that is!
There can be no doubt at all that a dog is man's and woman's best friend! Today we are going to dedicate the blog to these beautiful creatures. Meet El of London and her friend C of London.
The magnificent dignity of a Shepherd is exemplified so graphically in these photos of El.
Ranked as one of the most intelligent dog breeds, you can see our Feature Shepherd on alert- watching and waiting.
Most dogs love a run and play on a beach and El is no exception! But when you look at the image below I'm sure you will be wondering: What is that structure in the background?
That is a 12 foot high sculpture of a scallop shell created in memory of the English composer Benjamin Britten!.
In my opinion (and that of many others), El of London makes for a far more beautiful work of art.
And I will leave you with this image of a glorious autumn morning in Regents Park, London with a beautiful Shepherd out for her morning walk.
Thank you E of London for providing these images and also the ones below to remind us that the beautiful city of London is wearing its Autumn Dresses.