Past Post: No 15 August 2018: Dogs in Our Lives and in Art

Highland Dogs by Sir Edwin Landseer (1)

Dog lovers - these Past Posts are for you.

I love dogs and as a small child all I wanted was to own a dog. We lived in a great big weatherboard house with a large garden, and had plenty of room for a dog but my mother was a very keen gardener and believed dogs and gardens didn't mix. I have proved otherwise as I love my garden nearly as much as my dogs.

When I was asked what I was going to do when I grew up I would answer "Own a dog!" I would drag stray dogs home and constantly took my cats for walks on a lead!

I had to wait until my mid 30s before I had a house and could get a dog - and I started high up the list with a wolfhound - in my opinion one of the most magnificent of the dog breeds along with Shepherds, Greyhounds and Border Collies.

I do hope you enjoy my Past Posts on Dogs in Life, Art and Beyond.

Dogs in Life, Art and Far Beyond
Most famous people including artists love dogs. Check out the dogs that have ruled my life. Plus you will also meet few famous names and their furry four legged friends.
Dogs: Their Cultural Significance
The domestication of dogs dates to Neolithic times which began in about 10,200BC. The engravings in Saudi Arabia are special because they seem to show the dogs being harnessed to assist in the hunting. Image: Rock Art Carvings in Saudi Arabia (
Remarkable Dogs
Showcasing “Remarkable Dogs”. We start with “Bob” who was made a Distinguished Member of the Royal Humane Society. Also showcased: Buddy, America’s first seeing eye dog; Greyfriars Bobby; Moustache. Image: Herbie with his handler Sapper Darren Smith at the Australian War Memorial.

This post is dedicated to all the dogs in our lives and a special shoutout to our furry followers: Elsa and Snowy.

Snowy's human assistant Susie Green has written a wonderful book on Dogs in Art which I didn't own when I wrote the posts shown above back in 2018.

Since being given the book as a present by a very dear cousin and dog lover in the UK, it has become my main reference for writing about the significance of dogs in art and the contributions dogs have made to the world of art.

I highly recommend that you check out this book when you can get to a bookstore or library.

Here is Snowy's Twitter account for those of you who use this social media platform.

Tomorrow a real treat for lovers of Impressionism as Julie is taking us into the life and works of French Impressionist Camille Pissarro.

