Norman Cornish: The Mining Artist

Being in Cornwall (UK) earlier this month and being immersed in memories of the mining industry has brough to my mind the works of Norman Cornish (1919-2014) who was a miner and an artist. And a friend of my artistic hero L.S.Lowry. But neither were from Cornwall. Norman Cornish was from County Durham in North East England. L.S.Lowry was from Manchester in the historic county of Lancashire. Let us enjoy a little look at some of the paintings by Norman Cornish.

Norman Stansfield Cornish (1919-2014) was the last surviving member of the Pitman's Academy art school at the Spennymoor Settlement in County Durham in North East England. A former miner, he was known for his pictures of mining community life. 1 Many paintings picture the workers relaxing after a long day.

L: Title unknown by Norman Cornish (Source: Facebook) R: The Newcastle Bar by Norman Cornish (Source:
Cornish started work as a miner in 1933, at the age of 14. He continued to work as a miner even after his painting career was established, until he retired as a miner and became a full-time artist in 1966.Cornish was granted an honorary Master of Arts degree by Newcastle University in 1974, and an honorary doctorate by Sunderland University in 2012. 1

Men going to work; men at work.

Norman Cornish: Top L: Man on a Bridge (Source:, C: Unknown title (Source:, R: Pit Road Near a Colliery in Winter (Source: Bottom: L: Unknown title R: Pit Road (Source: R: Miners on the Pit Road (Source:

Norman Cornish L: Pit Road with Telegraph Poles and Lights (Source: Definitive Colelction, The Bowes Museum) R: Horse and Cart (
And the daily routine of life.

Norman Cornish L: Berryiman's Chip Van ( C:Unknown title (Source: R: Unknown title (

Norman Cornish L: The Corner Chippy (Source: C: Unknown title (Source: R: Street Scene (Source:
Norman Cornish captured his people on canvas with the greatest of empathy and respect. A true artist.

Pleasew check out the website for Norman Cornish.
