From the studio of Tendai Makufa: a powerful signature with brush in paint
One of the favourite artists regularly showcased on the AnArt4Life blog is Tendai Makufa who now lives and works in South Africa but whose homeland and source of his inspiration is Zimbabwe where he was born in 1979.
Trendai Makufa trained for 4 years studying in the B.A.T. Workshop at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe which became the National Gallery School of Visual Art and Design in 2012.
He paints his people, at work in the fields: vibrant collages of colour, patterns and movement.
Today we bring you his latest painting titled Respecting (Queen & King) created using acrylic decorative paint on canvas, 50cm X 70cm.

Tendai is a genre artist and each painting, woven into the shapes and patterns is a message. In this painting we see the village women appreciating and being joyful at the great results they are achieving.
In return the women (and each of us pleased with our achievements) have to honour your "King and Queen" with anything you wish so that it can be blessed and become more.
The painting is about respect and acknowledgement: respect for those who work and achieve, respect for the "King and Queen" or "a being" with a greater power and role to protect the people and ultimately the crowd will gather and join in this mutual "chain of respect" for hard work and achievement.
You can look at Tendai's work for hours and still find something new - a new shape, colour and especially a new pattern to discover.
And it's really interesting to look at one of his paintings without the colour as the composition, shapes and patterns are brought into focus. But more than that, without colour, you can see how the lines dance with the rhythm of the unity of shared labour and achievement.
Tendai Makufa gives us his powerful signature with brush in paint!

As Tendai would want us all to learn: together we can achieve great fulfillment.

If you are a Facebook user you can follow Tendai Makufa by clicking here.
You might also like to watch a short video which Tendai has supplied.
If you are new to Tendai Makufa's works please check out our past posts on his paintings by either using the search magnifying glass in the menu at the top of this post or search under Genre Art or Africa in our TagCloud - the icon is also in the blog menu.
© Thank you to Tendai Makufa who kindly gave permission for the images of his work to be shared on AnArt4Life.