February 2021 Mailbag No 1

Aussie Mail Boxes Photo: Caroline
Caroline has been travelling throughout Victoria and New South Wales over Summer and spotted many examples of the country letter box which the world over never fail to entertain travellers.
Our mailbag for February is bursting to overflowing. Let's start with some praise from John Wylie in Port Elliot, South Australia. Thank you John - your feedback means a great deal to us.
Anne… your visit to the Boyd’s old family home at Sandringham would have been an amazing and unforgettable experience...Your post highlighted the importance of positive surroundings for the family to nurture, grow and to develop each individual’s talent. Your photos are truly magnificent and certainly told the historic story of the prestigious family home, the garden landscape and property at Sandringham Victoria where the foundations were laid for the “Boyd” family dynasty. An amazing story.Congratulations. JW
John also sent in an image of the Penthouse he has built for his new puppy Digger who is an Australian terrier.
On the home front...while waiting for the oil paint to dry on my latest painting... I have been busy constructing Digger's new “Penthouse” for our garden patio - for when the weather turns cool.
I think there must be lots of different & creative Dog / Pet shelters out there in people’s gardens? Cheers…John

Yes - Let's have an exhibition. Please send in photos of the luxury accommodation enjoyed by your pet - dog, cat, bird, guinea-pig, rabbit etc, etc. And we will also accept paintings of animal penthouses, architectural plans - or if you want to get your pet some publicity send in any photo you like - let's have a Pets Post.
And now from Trevor in Canberra who has taken in a great variety of art offerings over the past few weeks.
...I chose to drive from Heathcote via Colbinabbin (Victoria) to take in the silo art...
Best way to see what Trevor experienced is through this video.
The artist responsible for these amazing masterpieces is Tim Bowtell. If you are thinking of making the trip to Colbinabbin (a small rural farming township nestled in Shiraz grape growing country) about a 40 minutes drive northeast from Bendigo, check out the Colbinabbi silo site first.
Trevor continues:
...I thoroughly enjoyed the Piinpi Exhibition in Bendigo.

I highly recommend that you watch this video showcasing Contemporary Indigenous Fashion - in a word - breathtaking.
And speaking of Bendigo - from D in Bendigo a link to a wonderful article on Margaret Olley - always a firm favourite.

And for our South American subscribers and followers - a wonderful article on an open public space in the high-end residential São Paulo neighborhood of Jardim América, or America Gardens, at the crossroad of avenues Brasil and Europa.
A place to sit and reflect on life.