April Mailbag 2021 No 1
Sculpture of a girl posting a letter in Mornington, Victoria, Australia. Photo by Anne Newman
As regular readers of the AnArt4Life blog know I like to start our monthly mailbag with an image that in some way relates to mail. The sculpture (above) of a young girl in period dress is titled Letters and was cast in bronze in 2012 by Peninsular artist Gwen Bridges Mulder to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of the Mornington Township in 1861. 1 For our overseas subscribers Mornington is located on Port Phillip Bay about 70 kms from the centre of Melbourne.
And now let's open the mailbag to see who has been communicating with us.
Last month Pierre introduced us to the incredible world of clocks - especially French Four-Glass Clocks and Carriage Clocks. From Steve B in Vietnam came the comment after reading the posts:
I find the inner workings of clocks fascinating. To calculate the size and amount of cogs and spring tension etc is just mind boggling. If the clockmaker gets it all perfect then an accurate timepiece is created!
I have been asked if we will have more about clocks in the future - most definitely.
Last month we saw the celebration of St Patrick's Day which bought back memories for subscriber A in Melbourne who celebrated St Pats Day in 2015 in New York City. He kindly sent in these images to share the occasion with us.
While we are in New York let's check out what Chris O'Brien, urban photographer and one of our favourite subscribers, is up to with his camera. You can't beat this remarkable image.
Photo by Chris O'Brien ©
A little while back Julie introduced us to a botanical artist Lynne Stone who transforms embroidery thread into three dimensional native floral masterpieces. Follow the link below if you missed this post and then read the comments made by Greg from Diggers Rest, Victoria.
Hi Julie, I recently watched Lynne Stone demonstrating her talents on the ABC. She is a master craftsman (woman) and I reckon she is a very talented engineer, creative genius, artist, surgeon all rolled into one. She has combined these talents to produce her fine delicate work in her purpose built workshop. Thanks, Greg
As we think about the beauty of nature - take in this glorious sunrise over Regent's Park, London sent to us by E in London. It's a stunning photo made glorious by the reflection of the sunrays on the damp path.
Back in Australia D in Bendigo has alerted me to the Mary Quant Exhibition that is being held 20 March to 11 July 2021 at the Bendigo Art Gallery.
There is also a Mirka Mora Exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Australia from 14 February–19 December 2021.
A story of survival and migration, interspersed with a generous dose of family, art, food and love, Mirka Mora’s history is a profoundly affecting post-Holocaust Australian Jewish tale which, until now, has not been presented with such depth and scope. 2
The AnArt4Life team will definitely be reporting back on both these exhibitions.
To conclude - from K in Wheelers Hill - a 108 year old Chinese artist shows us how to paint!!
1. monumentaustralia.org.au
2. jewishmuseum.com.au
3. theurbanlist.com