Your Favourite Place
Each of us has a favourite place we like to go either physically or through our imagination. I call it My Place where I feel most at peace. Today take a little moment to think of the place where you can reflect on all that is good in this world; where you find a sense of well being. You might have several favourite places depending on your mood and this is wonderful. For me, My Place is always on the banks of a river sitting among the gum trees and smelling the eucalyptus aroma that wafts on the breeze.

For the locals this is the Loddon River at Bridgewater, near my home town of Bendigo in Central Victoria.
For those of you who find My Place in the mountains, the Hero Image 1 today is a photo I took of Mount Cook in New Zealand. Here are three more shots of Mount Cook: inspirational in the setting sun.

The Hero Image is the first image seen by a person visiting a website. Each post in the Anart4Life blog has a hero image that appears on the Home page of my website ( and which represents the post's content.