Reflection: Clouds

Clouds over Regent's Park London (Photo: E in London)

Who doesn't love clouds? Who isn't fascinated by the formations and the varity? Who doesn't love to see shapes in cloud formations as Julie shared with us the other day.

A cloud a day…. and so much more!
Today we look at the versatile work of illustrator, cartoonist and muralist Chris Judge, who lives in Dublin, Ireland.

And Jane also featured a remarkable cloud formation to introduce her recent post on Tantalising Toowoomba.

Beautiful sky on the way to Toowoomba Photo: Jane

What is great about clouds is that they look wonderful from a multitude of angles - from the ground looking up or in a plane looking across and down.

Cloud Formations from a plane (Photo: Anne Newman)
Cloud formations from a plane (Photo: Anne Newman)

Sometimes the subtle, gentle clouds of a London Autumn morning are more spectacular than the bold and beautiful.

Early morning cloud nover Regent's Park, London (Photo: Anne Newman)

Photographers - amateur and professional - love clouds. And so do artists who pick up a paint brush to express the beauty they see all around.

Below two contrasting representations of clouds - in my painting the bold dominating the landscape...

Lavender Fields the Storm by Anne Newman

Whereas Rowdy's clouds are far more subtle in contrast to the streaks of lightning. My clouds were painted with a thick round brush in oil paints. Rowdy also uses oil paints but has applied it using a palette knife scraping back to near the surface of the board for effect.

Lake Menindee Rain by John "Rowdy" Wylie

If you like to photograph, paint, embroider, sculpt clouds - please send in some examples.