Past Posts No 18 September 2018: Sculpture and a Little Bit More

Before we take a look at some sculptures we need to welcome two new subscribers as J.W. in Elsternwick and P in Cambellfield (suburbs of Melbourne) have joined us to be part of the AnArt4Life blog community.

Caroline, Jane, Julie and I love getting new subscribers and this week has been extremely rewarding with several new subscribers joining up. This tells us that the posts we are creating about the world of art are of interest.

Don't forget that if there is an art topic of interest to you, please let us know, as we are more than happy to add it to our list of offerings.

Thank you to everyone who supports us.

And now onto some Past Posts I wrote two years ago about sculpture.

Close up of the Statue of Liberty (

Who doesn't love a beautiful sculpture? Today in our Past Posts we showcase some well known sculptures around the world and some not so well known.

We ask the questions:

What is the difference between a sculpture and a statue?
What turned the Statue of Liberty Green?
What is it that attracts us to a sculpture?

... and much more!!

We start off in the Philippines:

My Perception of Sculptures and Statues
Talking sculpture and statues today including works by Filipino sculptor Eduardo Castrillo. Australian Bill Ogilvie plus the Statue of Liberty and Emmanuel Frémiet’s The Maid of Orléans. Image: Eduardo Castrillo’s Pieta (

And then to America. This past post is predominantly an article by Robin Pogrebin and Hilarie M. Sheets from The New York Times.

I've included it in our Past Posts as I want you to meet Simone Leigh who is creating amazing works. When this post was first published back in 2018 I had just discovered Simone Leigh. If you are interested in seeing current works by this artist please check out this link.

Simone Leigh in New York, January 8, 2020 by Susan Canning

Simone Leigh: Sculptor with a Perspective on African Women
I would like you to meet sculptor Simone Leigh who is creating remarkable awe inspiring works that showcase African Women. (Image Credit:

And finally our last Past Post today includes some familiar sculptures for you to enjoy. Plus a surprise visit to New York to see a work of art that you won't see unless you look up - but it's not a sculpture!

Reactions to Sculpture
Image: The Thinker by Rodin (