Mail from Blog Subscribers
I do love getting mail from subscribers to the blog as it always contains something of interest and usually something I know nothing about. And coincidently to us having a MailDay we have yet another new subscriber to the blog- the third one this week which is quite exciting. Welcome to C of GlenIris.
This past week I have had mail from Trevor in Canberra, S of New Jersey and A of A&R of Wheelers Hill. I also met a scientist who is a medical researcher and had a fascinating conversation with her about the relationship between science and art. Today we will look at Trevor's mail as it arises from my blog on Chainsaw Art which I might add no-one was particularly enthusiastic about -except Trevor who remembered the wonderful work of chainsaw artist John Brady who transformed some of the dead stumps from the Avenue of Monterey Cypress trees at Lakes Entrance (Gippsland, Victoria, Australia) into memorials showing moments and stories from history. (
(Credit: Monument Australia)
The Avenue of Monterey Cypress trees was planted in 1924 along the Esplanade at Lakes Entrance to commemorate the 26 local men who lost their lives during World War I.
Follow this link to view some of these Tree Stump Sculptures.
Today I also to share a delightul video sent by S of New Jersey. The video exemplifies in a most exquisite way the trials faced by all creatures (especially young ones still learning about life) and emphasises the importance of a gentle guiding mentor. A Lesson in Effort and Patience.
Wait until the advertisement ends and then watch a father guiding and teaching his children about some of life's hurdles.
Tomorrow I will bring you the beginning of an incredible story brought to us by A of Wheelers Hill. The main character in this story is an artist who lived for 60 years on an island painting everything he could see. His work has come back into the public eye because a well known auction house was about to sell many of his painings until this Robinson Crusoe type character's daughter cried Fake- some of the paintings might be copies and not the originals of her father's work. More tomorrow.