Friday's Feature: Manet and Marketing
Julie has been writing about Berthe Morisot who was closely related through friendship and marriage to Edouard Manet so I though it would be interesting to make Manet the subject of this week's Friday Feature. And it's all about this painting.

("A Bar at the Folies-Bergere" The Courtauld Gallery, London)
Product placement is often thought of as a modern phenomenon, saturating television, film, and social media content with blatant commercialism...And yet the roots of visual product placement can be seen since the time of the Industrial Revolution, running parallel with the rise of consumer culture. Unsurprisingly, the influence of the new consumer society on art was perhaps most apparent in Paris, then the undisputed cultural capital of the world.
(Amanda Scherker,Nov 26, 2019)
Please follow this link to read an article by Amanda Scherker arguing that This Famous Manet Painting Was an Early Example of Product Placement.