February 2022 Mailbag No 1
We start the mailbag today with a wonderful memory from Rowdy Wylie triggered by the post Julie and John Pickup wrote on Austin Byrne: A Lifelong passion. In response to the post, Rowdy Wylie has written:
Greetings all…… congratulations on an incredible post & telling the story about the brave Aviation Pioneers… Charles Kingsford-Smith & Charles Ulm… Highlighting….the vision…passion and commitment of Austin Byrne in establishing a memorial to the “Southern Cross”….
The “Southern Cross” did fly to Adelaide shortly after this magnificent achievement… I can remember as a young boy my Grand Mother very proudly told me the story of the “Southern Cross” and what the pilot’s had achieved. The “Southern Cross” flew into Adelaide from the East… over the Adelaide Hills and straight over the roof of our house in the suburb of Frewville….
I believe the plane was housed at the Adelaide Airport for a while and we would drive to the Airport for a Sunday drive…just to admire the magnificent plane and take photo’s….. Memories!!!
Hope every one is well!!!!.... Happy New Year!!! Cheers…. John (Rowdy)
Recently Julie showcased All Aboard the British Royal Train. In addition to loving trains and planes, she has a great love of pottery and china ware and has shared many posts on this topic with us. Today from her collection she has sent in The Flying Scotsman Davenport plate (below) based on an original work of art by Paul Gribble.

And now we move over to India where our FB follower Koushiki Maity has shared her lasted creative work with us.

The Keeper has discovered a Surfboard Museum in Western Australia one of the largest private collections on display. Some amazing boards are on display for you to enjoy, either on-line or later when WA opens up its borders.

And finally from K.M. in NSW in response to the post on Fences, Posts and Gates - Storyline to Country: Focus on Posts came this wonderful sketch in ink and watercolour on paper of A man leaning on a Fence by Joseph Highmore (13 June 1692 – 3 March 1780) who was an English portrait and historical painter, illustrator and author.2

1. abc.net.au
2. tate.org.uk