Emus Strut their Stuff and the Winner of the Best Emu Portrait

Thank you to everyone who voted for their favourite Emu Portrait. Here are the candidates.

Credit: Jos Coufreur (1)
Credit: Jos Coufreur (1)

But before I announce the winner, our subscriber Trevor from Canberra cheekily suggested the competition should have included some full frontal emu studies!

I am not sure what these might look like but here are a couple that might qualify!

And why not The Emu with the best hairdo!!!

Emu (4)

And did you vote for the best Emu Portrait?

Some examples of the comments that accompanied the voting are:

Julie - Great post today, I love the work of Jos Coufreur, his vibrant colours he uses to create three dimensions, and the perspective make his work so interesting, happy and uplifting! I like all the emus, but I think I have to say No.1 is my favourite!

The Keeper also voted for Emu No 1 with the comment:
I love that quizzical look, reminds me of myself, just trying to make sense of it all, and the fun I could have if I could colour my hair like this little emu!

From Jane - No 1 because she looks inquisitive and cheeky.

S.P. in Australia wanted to vote for No 1 but changed her mind and voted for No 2 because she felt no one else would vote for No 2!! And she was right.

From S.S. in Virginia who voted for Emu No 3 because: It looks young and wild! Love it!

M.B.in Tanzania also went for No 3

M. in New South Wales thought No 3 looked like the youngest and needed the encouragement.

Rowdy Wylie went for No 4 and I also rather liked No 4 but felt he might need some anger management.

But most of the 22 responses we got (great result) just registered the number of their favourite Emu.

When the votes were tallied surprisingly it was No 6 that won and nobody had commented on him which was interesting. And then I remembered No 6 was the Emu in the feature image that goes on the Home page of the AnArt4Life blog. This meant that No 6 got more publicity than the other emus who could only be seen if someone opened the post!!!

I believe there is a protest being lodged!!!

Check out the Home page of AnArt4Life where Emu No 3 the Young and Wild has got his own back on Emu No 6!! About 6000 people visit our site a month and little Young and Wild will be seen by all of them.

1. jos-coufreur.com
2. asiacontemporaryart.com
3. digital.collections.slsa.sa.gov.au
4. pixels.com