Daniel Popper

Two days ago you were introduced to the work of African artist Tendai Makufa who creatively depicts his people at work in the fields. Today I want to introduce you to another African artist who creates momumental public art installations.

Multidisciplinary artist and sculptor Daniel Popper creates interactive public art installations which are often monumental in scale. The Cape Town-based artist's work encourages audiences to contemplate diverse themes. Known for his installations blending sculpture and stage design at music festivals, Popper's figurative sculptures have become iconic for the way they beckon the viewer to embrace their physical surroundings. One of his newest works, titled Thrive, will be a permanent public installation at Society Las Olas, a residential building in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.1

The sculptural installation features an enormous figure ripping open its chest—like a fairy-tale giant come to life. Crafted in glass-fiber reinforced concrete, the sublime figure weighs about 14 tons and stands over 30 feet tall. The stunning structure also features a fern-adorned archway that viewers can walk through. The chest of the contemplative giant gently opens itself up, exposing its surprising green interior.1

This is Anima built in Las Vegas using wood, the sculpture lays on a vibrant transparent glass garden.2

If you like large scale installation statues please follow this link to check out
Daniel Popper's website including the Rainbow Phoenix he designed for the Market Stage for the Rainbow Serpent Festival in Australia.

1. mymodernmet.com
2. streetartnews.net