Buddy Bears
The story of Buddy Bears started with an artistic event in Berlin in 2001. Inspired by the idea of bringing art to the streets of a metropolis like the cow parade in Zurich and New York. Buddy Bears are now an unofficial ambassador for Germany and a symbol of Berlin. (Wikipedia).
This developed into United Buddy Bears, an international art exhibition with the following motto:
We have to get to know each other better ... ... it makes us understand one another better, trust each other more, and live together more peacefully. (buddy-baer.com)
Since the first exhibition in Berlin in 2002, more than 40 million visitors world-wide have been able to admire the United Buddy Bears.
The Buddy Bears stand together “hand in hand”, symbolising the future vision of a peaceful world. Each bear stands for the people of the different countries and their culture, yet not for political systems.
Right from the start, the United Buddy Bears have been committed to helping children. Activities and aid for children in need have formed an inseparable unit. To date, €2,284,100 (June 2018) have been raised through donations and auctions in aid of UNICEF and local children’s relief organisations. (buddy-baer.com)
Look out for them if you happen to be travelling, they are sure to add a smile to your day.
Tomorrow Real Black Bears and how they are becoming closer to human habitation.
Credits: buddy-baer.com