Artists shaping Mexico City Art Scene

It's the weekend and time to take it easy. Perhaps you might like to have a little Spanish siesta in the afternoon just like that created by the Catalan Art Nouveau painter Ramon Casas.


Ramon Casas (Sangria, Sol y Siesta)

Or maybe you will gather a group of family and friends to enjoy a picnic just like in a Spanish Picnic as portrayed by J Ruiz.


J Ruiz (MutualArt)

But what I would like you to squeeze in between all your relaxing is a quick glance at Ten artists who are shaping the future of Mexico City's Art Scene.

My favourite is Ana Segovia with an example of his work Huapango Torero painted in 2019 shown below.


Huapango Torero by Ana Segovia ( Huber Gallery)

Here on the blog our favourite Mexican artists have been the beloved Frieda Kahlo and her somewhat less well loved husband Diego Rivera. Blogs we have written about Frieda Kahlo are:
Frieda Kahlo Blogs from our site:
Frieda Kahlo Part One

Frieda Kahlo Part Two

Frida is Coming to Bendigo

The Day After Frida Kahlo

What has happened to Frida Kahlo

Eyes and Brows: Following Frida.

And our blogs on Diego Rivera are:

Diego Rivera Blogs from our site:

Diego Rivera Muralist

Diego Rivera Painter.

And if you can't go away for the weekend why don't you sit back and pretend you are in Mexico City.