Google Doodles

Do you ever click on the Google Doodle at the top of the page before you start a search? Sometimes its just the standard doodle, but often marks a significant date or anniversary of an event somewhere in the world. They can be fun. Recently it was fairy bread and when I clicked on it – I loved the short animation. You can try it below.
Then you can read about various details regarding the topic – in this case fairy bread:
Fairy bread is a nostalgic childhood treat popular in Australia and New Zealand featured on Google on 13 November, the birthday of Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, whom linguistic scholars believe first coined the term in his 1885 poem “Fairy Bread” in “A Child’s Garden of Verses”.
Traditional Fairy bread unifies three simple ingredients—triangularly sliced white bread slathered in butter and topped with rainbow sprinkles (known colloquially as “hundreds and thousands”). But its origin isn’t as simple as its recipe.
Although some believe the tasty treat might have been inspired by hagelslag — Dutch toast covered in chocolate sprinkles—both Australia and New Zealand claim to have originally invented Fairy bread all on their own.
New Zealanders have brightened confections with rainbow sprinkles for over a century, but a 1929 article published in a Tasmanian newspaper claims to be the first to reference Fairy bread with the ingredients it's known for today.
While the country of origin (and who can make it the best) remains a friendly point of contention between the neighboring nations, Aussies and Kiwis alike can agree that this treat is a staple of children’s birthday celebrations that satisfies not just the sweet tooth but also the mature nostalgic palate.
If you decide to whip up some Fairy Bread of your own, keep in mind that to many, removing the crust means you’ve removed the dish's authenticity.
Here’s to Fairy bread—a tasty treat that’s as easy as one, two, three!
Being of Dutch heritage, when we were growing up my sister Caroline and I often had coloured sprinkles on bread or Dutch rusks - and even more luscious chocolate hail – dark or light made from Droste – very good quality Dutch chocolate.
Next time you use Google as your browser and you have a spare moment - check to see if a doodle is showing - it might be something different - click on the doodle - you could learn something new.
Note - if there is an animation, it only stays for that day! And the doodles only appear on "special days".