Remembering Animals that Went to War

Trevor of Canberra also commented that he loves the Working Dogs of War statue also at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

This sculpture commemorates the vital role and contribution of Explosive Detection Dogs and their handlers in war. The tunnel through the base of the sculpture alludes to the rigorous training undertaken by the dogs, while the rocky outcrops atop the columns represent the foreign landscapes to which the dogs and their handlers are deployed. The elevation of the dog on the central column, where it crouches eye-to-eye with its handler, highlights the deep bonds that are forged between the two, as well as the mutual dependence on which their work is based. The configuration of the columns refers to the agility and obstacle courses undertaken by the dogs, as part of their training. Within the main column is a hidden cache of weapons, visible only from the back of the sculpture in order to illustrate the danger of buried IEDs or hidden weapons that only the dogs can find with their heightened sense of smell. Sitting in the bag, which forms the smallest component of the sculpture, is a tennis ball. The tennis ball is an integral part of the dog’s training, as well as a valuable reward when the animal has located explosives. Ewen Coates (1965- ) is a Melbourne based sculptor and painter. (Australian War Memorial)