Reflecting on Light
We are entering that part of the year which for many of us is a time of celebration, joining with our community and reflecting on those beliefs that make our lives more meaningful.
The blog team sends good wishes and the heartfelt thoughts to all our subscribers and followers that their lives will find a lasting fulfilment and peace.
Chag urim sameach to my Jewish family and friends.
As I returned to my home country this year from visiting family and friends in the United Kingdom I was once more in awe of the clever humans who invented flying and solving all those difficult problems so that we might gaze down on our beautiful world.
The tiny community lit by the lights of human ingenuity was dwarfed by the brilliance of the light from the rising morning sun and high above in the darkness were those tiny and much loved lights from the ever present stars in our great universe.

Please take a moment or two to reflect on all that is happening in our very small world: the good, the bad, the ugly and pray that our beautiful little blue planet moves towards more peaceful and profitable times.