July 2023 Mailbag No 1

I can't help thinking this morning how different our worlds of today are to those of yesteryears. Most of us now get our mail electronically though I still get the occasional letters in the mail box at the front of my house - and mostly partly eaten by snails!
And thinking back in time came as a result of Julie's post on David M Bird and his Becorns as it reminded me so much of my childhood growing up in Bendigo in Central Victoria. In the centre of Bendigo is the most beautiful park - Rosalind Park - where elms and oaks (along with Australian native trees) were planted by the early settlers. My mother would take my brother and me into the park to collect leaves and acorns which we would take home and make into acorn people. And so, thank you Mr David M Bird for bringing back this memory to me.
I love my childhood home and so today a quick video for you showing off some of the main features which makes Bendigo one of the most attractive of all Australian country cities.
This is also the chance to promote the internationally famous Bendigo Art Gallery which Australians and overseas visitors flock to every time there is a new exhibition. At the moment there is an exhibition on The Australian Women's Weekly: 90 Years of an Australian icon until 27 AUG 23.
The Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung are recognised as the Traditional Owners and rightful peoples to protect, preserve and manage Aboriginal cultural heritage in the Greater Bendigo municipality. There are two appointed registered Aboriginal parties for our area - Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation and Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation.1
Please take a few minutes to learn a little more about the Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung peoples who are proud and valued members of the Greater Bendigo community. They have lived on this land for thousands of years and cared for djandak (Country) with love and knowledge.

Moving on from Australia to see the latest from one of our follower Soumitra Das in India with a stunning work titled Jealous. Very provocative.

Soumitra has also produced another painting in a very different style titled Nande as shown below.
We love it when our subscribers and followers send in examples of their works for all of us to appreciate and enjoy.

For those of you who are on Facebook - a little extra treat with a demonstration of how to make a miniature sculpture from plasticine. Thanks to D our Central Victorian Roving Reporter for this video clip.
And if you are a FB follower why don't you check out our AnArt4Life Chat Room where we respond to the daily posts and share our own works of art.
Back tomorrow with a second mailbag for July - there has been a lot of chatter on the latests posts which I would like to share.
1. bendigo.vic.gov.au/Things-to-Do/Explore-our-history-and-heritage