Happy 5th Birthday to the AnArt4Life Blog

We have made it to our fifth birthday and a huge thank you to everyone who has made this possible and who have stayed with us on this journey through the fields of art - the subscribers and social media followers, the thousands who visit our site each month, the artists who so willingly share their work and especially to my wonderful team.
And today we also welcome our newest subscriber in S.H. from Corowa on the Murray River in New South Wales, Australia. We love getting new subscribers especially on our birthday!!
To produce a blog is a huge undertaking and for anyone contemplating this, in any field, there is much to learn - and to keep on learning.
We are gradually going to change the nature and format of the blog over the next year to meet the busy demands of our own lives and also to grow with the experience. And don't worry - you will get the chance to have your say and, of course, you can always vote with a click of your mouse - in or out!!
Don't forget that all the posts can be viewed on the home page of the AnArt4Life blog where you can, with a click of the mouse, go directly to an article that attracts your interest.

And here is the wonderful team behind our AnArt4Life blog.

Sharing the experience of blogging and a love of art!
And from all the team, we wish to say a big thank you to Anne, who has allowed us to come with her on this wonderful journey of art! She guides and inspires us every day!