Hands: Gabe Leonard


To quote from Leonard's Bio:

His work captures rich moods by combining the free brushwork of an expressive artist combined with the lighting and framing of a seasoned Hollywood cinematographer. Drawn to rugged and romantic film noir characters, Leonard merges technically brilliant figurative painting with a finely crafted cinematic atmosphere, creating snapshot moments full of narrative possibilities. The trademark runs and drips in his work are a deliberate break from academic restrictions and allow him to be more expressive, free and loose. Leonard's style is deeply rooted in the European artistic tradition, drawing particularly on the work of his heroes such as Rembrandt, Alphonse, Mucha, Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. (gabeleonard.com)

If you want to learn to draw or to paint hands start by studying Gabe Leonard's paintings. He is a master. Copy his hands. Study the lines and tones. These paintings below have all been created using oil paints.

Credit: gabeleonard.com
Credit: gabeleonard.com

I find that Gabe Leonard's hands are so intriguing that often I forget to look at the rest of the painting: the skilful control of his brush as he creates the creases and folds in clothing. The faces of his characters also offer so much to study, to think about: but it is the hands that carry the message that say:
The laws of probability can be affected by playing the right game… and it is all An Educated Guess.  

Credit: gabeleonard.com
Credit: gabeleonard.com
Credit: gabeleonard.com

Gabe Leonard is a brilliant artist and I do hope that you have enjoyed this viewing of his perception of hands and obviously a little more. If you are going out to dinner tonight or to the pub for a drink, do enjoy yourself and don't spend too much time studying and worrying about the predatory nature of hands! And, as one of my friends said today, best to keep them in your pockets!