Embracing Our Differences

DownUnder we celebrate Christmas in a very multicultural way where religions and ethnic backgrounds of all persuasions gather in the rich mix of a community get together to acknowledge the true meaning of this festive time: embrace each other.

The Hero Image has been taken from the momondo.com site showing you The Giant Lantern Festival (Ligligan Parul Sampernandu) which is held each year on the Saturday before Christmas Eve in the city of San Fernando – the Christmas Capital of the Philippines. I am sure R of the Philippines knows all about this festival.

The festival attracts spectators from all over the country and across the globe. Eleven barangays (villages) take part in the festival and competition is fierce as everyone pitches in trying to build the most elaborate lantern. Originally, the lanterns were simple creations around half a metre in diameter, made from ‘papel de hapon’ (Japanese origami paper) and lit by candle. Today, the lanterns are made from a variety of materials and have grown to around six metres in size. They are illuminated by electric bulbs that sparkle in a kaleidoscope of patterns. www.momondo.com

Please follow this link to view some of the wonderful ways festivals are celebrated in different parts of the world. Enjoy while I take a break for a couple of days.  

Advent 16 December