Science Art Arising from Advances in Science Associate Professor Michelle Dunstone, imaging the shape of proteins, is making an important contribution to science. She captures images that allow scientists to visualise the behaviour of "hole punching" proteins, called pore forming proteins. The images form beautiful works of art.
Portraits Magical Realism and that Mona Lisa Smile Everyone knows the Mona Lisa portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 1500s. Today we look at this small but probably most famous painting of all time through a slightly different lens. Image credit:
Conservation and Restoration Oxford Marries Art and Science Publicising an article by Matthew Chalkley about The Fine Line Between Art and Science. The article discusses the close relationship between science and art and how art restoration is not possible without scientific knowledge and expertise.
Multimedia The Hayward Gallery, Art and Science & The Threads of Creative Union Showcasing the works of Hicham Berrada who creates illuminated tanks featuring delicate and ephemeral chemical landscapes akin to tiny coral reefs. Also the Coral Reef Crochet pieces by Christine and Margaret Wertheim.
STEAM Science and Art as Partners in Space: A New Frontier for Humanity Astronomical Art is Space Art devoted to visualizing the wonders of outer space. A major emphasis is the space environment as a new "Frontier for Humanity". Alien worlds, extremes of matter such as black holes, and concepts arising from inspiration derived from astronomy are portrayed. (Wikipedia)