Little Houses: Gazebos

(Image Credit: 3D Warehouse)

(Credit: Garden History)

And if you are off to the Maldives, as are three of my loved ones, you might like to spend a little time in a holhuashi- their version of a gazebo.

(Credit: culture
The hero image is of the Victorian style gazebo at Fellows Riversdie Gardens at Mill Creek Park in Youngstown, Ohio USA.
There is a most wonderful book Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste written and illustrated by father and son British architects William and John Halfpenny in 1755. The word gazebo was used as illustrated by Plate 55 of the book, Elevation of a Chinese Gazebo, shows a Chinese Tower or Gazebo, situated on a Rock, and raised to a considerable height, and a gallery round it to render the prospect more complete. Here is an illustration from the book.

A special mention today to several of my friends and subscribers who are unwell or have loved who are unwell. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Please take time to sit in this gazebo for quiet reflection.

(Image Credit: Home Stratosphere)