Words, Art and Much, Much, More
We’ve been looking a little at the relationship between words and art which has lead me to thinking about the relationship between words, art and protesting.

(Credit: Archiv Gerstenberg/Ullstein Bild via Getty Images)
Whilst not necessarily condoning the actions taken by the Luddites I do have a personal interest in this protest as some of my ancestors were hand weavers from Lancashire and Yorkshire and would have been directly affected by the industrial revolution. Below is a copy of one of the placards used in 1808 to protect the industrious weavers. Even within my own family some remained hand weavers for as long as possible whilst the others (particularly the younger members of the family) adapted to change and began working on the power looms. Other migrated to Canada, USA and Australia seeking a better life.

(Credit: fineartamerica.com)

(Credit: trade-unions-reform.weebly.com)

(Credit: Global News)

(Credit: massmoments.org)
On the 14 August in 1765, the British official charged with administering the hated Stamp Act was hung in effigy from an elm tree near Boston Common. A small group of merchants and master craftsmen had staged the prank, but soon a large crowd gathered to vent their anger at the Crown's interference with colonial affairs. Over the next weeks, the great elm emerged as the place in Boston for protest meetings. People of all classes — including unskilled laborers, enslaved people, and women, who were normally excluded from official town meetings — flocked to the Liberty Tree to post notices, hear speeches, and hold outdoor meetings. The practice caught on, and with opposition to British rule mounting, Liberty Trees were soon found in many colonial towns.* (Wikipedia)

Who was he? Let’s make this a quiz item. Clue: he helped change the life style of a large slice of the world.
I want to look at art and protesting in a little more depth. Some of what I will show you is controversial and does not necessarily represent my opinion. I have endeavoured not to offend anyone but as people interested in art we must consider how it is used in all aspects of our lives.