The MAKE Award – Innovation in craft and design

Today’s post is one for you to browse through the Geelong Gallery website. It is showing the work of 30 Finalists in a new National Award - The Biennial Prize for Innovation in Australian Craft and Design, called the MAKE award.

The Finalists chosen are designer/makers with a high level of skill either working with materials that are new to their practice, new or traditional materials, or working in new and innovative ways.

The work of the 30 Finalists is on display at the Geelong Regional Art Gallery until 27th of October 2024, and it is well worth going to see if you get the chance. The Geelong Gallery is about 100 kilometres southwest of Melbourne, Victoria in Australia.

But wonderfully for us, the Geelong Gallery website has put up the work of the 30 Finalists, which you can see in the following bookmark.

You can read more about the MAKE Award, (including the winners), and then scroll down to see the piece each artist submitted. If you click on an image, you can see it in more detail and read the Artist’s Statement about their motivation.......

We hope you enjoy browsing through ...............

MAKE Award—Biennial Prize for Innovation in Australian Craft and Design | Geelong Gallery

I must say that my favourite piece was that of the winner, Diverse Dominion Deities, 2023, by Vipoo Srivilasa. What do you think? Did you find it interesting? Could you choose a favourite?

With thanks to the Geelong Gallery.