Caricatures The Lion and Albert - Another "Marriott Monologue"! Today we revisit a book of poems by Marriott Edgar, with two poems about a little boy called Albert who was eaten by a lion! These "Marriott Monologues" were made famous by Stanley Holloway., in the 1930's. (Julie's photo).
Caricatures The Battle of Hastings - a Marriott Monologue! Today we feature a humorous poem from a book made famous by the recitations of comedy duo Marriott Edgar and Stanley Holloway, dubbed "Marriott's Monologues". (Julie's photo).
Women Artists The Art Scene in St John's Wood, London Introducing you to Elíseo Abelardo Alvarez Calderón and Bernard Evans Ward who established the St John's Wood School of Art. Paintings by Vanessa Bell and Lewis Christopher Edward Baumer included.
Parody Hogarth’s Perception of Society Mocked English Society William Hogarth and his caricatures of English Society.