Past Post: No 11 July 2018: An Australian Connection to Van Gogh; The Colour Wheel and Colour Revolutionaries

Today's Past Posts feature colour and locally, one of our most adroit artistic champions of colour is Emily Koenders. Below is one of her exquisite paintings to engage you. Jane and I were lucky enough to meet Emily in her studio/gallery back in 2018. Please follow the bookmark link to Jane's 2018 Post on the remarkable works being produced by Emily who just happens to be related to Vincent Van Gogh!!

An Australian Connection to Vincent Van Gogh
Emily Koenders’ gallery is hidden at the rear of her Australian colonial homestead located in Ruby, a tiny town in South Gippsland. Her connection to Vincent Van Gogh – being his great, great, great, great niece. Credit:

And then I wrote up a couple of posts on Colour. Please follow the links below where I summarise a little about the colour wheel and then showcase some works by famous colourists John Russell, Henri Matisse and Claude Monet.

The Colour Wheel: Warm versus Cool
Colour is in our lives. We are surrounded by colour and we think and talk about colours and their effects all the time. We can’t even serve a meal without making sure we have the right mix of colours on our plates. Images of paintings by Anne Newman
Russell, Matisse and Monet: Colour Revolutionaries
The Colour Revolution started with Monet and the Impressionists but burst into life with Matisse and the Fauvists. Australian John Russell helped change the perception of colour. Image: Woman in Purple Coat by Matisse (