Pam Morris - photographer in Covid Times: when the present meets the past

You would be forgiven for thinking this photograph (above) was taken back 100 years ago - perhaps in your mother's or grandmother's kitchen.
But no, the image was created by Melbourne photographer Pam Morris as a reaction to Covid-19 taking over our lives and our emotions in a series of five images titled Pandemic- Nothing Changes in 100 Years.
You met Melbourne photographer Pam Morris a couple of weeks ago when I showcased her AIPP Winning Photograph.
Today, Pam has let us into her home to show you how she found herself thinking and reacting to living in Covid Times - engaged in activites that were reminiscent of life over a century ago as the world fought the flu pandemic in 1918 following World War I.

We were told to isolate but not how. Each found their own way to wile away the endless hours - playing cards, cups of tea and plates of scones. Patience took on a new challenge and a multi-dimensional interpretation.

Wash you hands thoroughly became the mantra - the strongest health advice from the top authorities - strange words to our ears as most of us have grown up in a world where we could instantly take a medication to fight the enemy seeking to destroy our health. Health, I might add, most of us take, or took, for granted.
Our parents, grandparents were in a similar situation a 100 years ago but knew the strength of soap. Nothing fancy was required proclaimed our health advisers - plain, ordinary, commonplace soap and warm water is the best weapon against this new virus.

Following WWI only, 21 years later, WWII broke out: millions died in both wars. There have of course been many wars of varying degrees since with thousands continuing to die. many of us have experienced the grief of losing a loved one in a war.
And now we have a new and frightening enemy at our doorsteps, an enemy which crept into our homes threatening to take us or our loved ones away - often never to be seen again. This is the first time since WWII that the world has shaken so violently - in communial fear and grief.

Left alone in our homes, often with only our thoughts to keep us company, many have turned to creative projects. And many have rediscovered long forgotten handicrafts which our parents and grandparents engaged in during the long cold nights.
Pam found herself taking up knitting and found solace in the rhythm of the clicking of the needles and pride in the completed item.
Pam is a photographer who enjoys the challenge of capturing the emotions and reactions of the times as a record to be viewed in the future. If you would like to see more images by Pam Morris Click Here.
If you have a comment you would like to share about your experience of living in Covid times please reply by return email to the daily post you receive each morning in your inbox.
All countries are now fighting the same enemy which perhaps will help us learn to cooperate and support each other in a stronger alliance.
© Thank you to Pam Morris who kindly gave permission for the images of her photographs to be shared on AnArt4Life.