An Interview with Santa
We all know that Santa lives at the North Pole – but it’s a big place so where exactly does he hang out?
Well he lives close to Rovaniemi, which is 800kms north of Helsinki across the forests of Finland in Lapland and the Arctic Circle.
Actually, Santa lives under Ear Mountain, right on the Arctic Circle – a latitude of 66°32′35″ where he has an ear out on all the happenings worldwide and keeps track of the children who are being good and not so good. He spends the year with his happy teams of elves preparing for Christmas: the many gifts required; looking after his reindeers; the sleigh must be in tip top condition. The weather elves assist with meticulously planning the route, which varies every year.
When I was in Finland last year I came across an interview with Santa - which you can read below and learn a few of his secrets.
As you now know, one of Santa's pleasures is meeting many visitors from all around the world that visit him at the Santa Claus village. I made a beeline for the Santa queue, chatting to elves along the way. It was a short impatient wait until finally I met the great man - just as I expected, round and jolly, with the longest beard you could imagine; rosy red cheeks and a twinkle in his eye.
We had a chat for a few minutes, he can speak a lot of languages, including Dutch.
At the time it was 131 days until Christmas, Santa assured me he would be looking forward to dropping into my place and those of my family and friends on Christmas Eve. I am pleased to report that he lived up to his promise!
At the post office we saw all the mail piling up for Santa.

A note from Santa to the Editor of the AnArt4Life blog
I have it on the best advice that all the blog managers, editors, writers, subscribers, contributers and supporters have been exceptionally good this year. I have heard wonderful stories about the kindnesses each of you have extended to another and this makes me glow with love. If you look up into the sky on any night you will see the lights my elves have turned on in recognition of your humanity.
Yours truly