A Place to Call Home
Today we are moving into the space filled by buildings which are probably the most significant non-living element in our lives. Have you thought how important My Home is to your psychological and physical health? A little while back I showed you a painting I was working on called Coming Home. It is now completed.

Once more you can see the influence of my gold mining heritage in the presence of the miner’s cottage surrounded by the soft hills. I covered the hills in grass as the rain breaks the drought and brings renewed hope and growth to our countryside. Even though I have lived in Melbourne for over half of my adult life when I think of my place I immediately think of Central Victoria, the location my ancestors trekked to in search of a new life: of A Place to Call Home.

What do you think of? Where is home to you? How would you fill this piece of land, this vacant allotment?
Would you be happy with a tiny home? These are becoming increasingly popular and offer a practical way to put A Roof Over Your Head.

Or perhaps this is more your style? Jane visited Chavenage House (used in the TV series Poldark) while on tour recently in the UK. Don’t forget to budget for a gardener as well as the cook, housekeeper, maids, and butler!!

An artist who has quite a different perception of a home is English sculptor Rachel Whiteread.

More on this remarkable artist in a couple of days. But in the meantime, please read Alina Cohen's article: Rachel Whiteread’s “House” Was Unlivable, Controversial, and Unforgettable.
We will be looking at more of the sculptures of Whiteread who was the first woman to win the annual Turner Prize in 1993.
And I think you will enjoy this article which considers: If Famous Artworks Were Transformed Into Buildings, This Is What They'd Look Like.